Interview Mr Josè Carlos Rivero
Published 17 November 2020

We interview Mr Josè Carlos Rivero, Giflor’s Business Developer for Latin America based in Lima, Perù.
Mr Rivero, we are experiencing a very challenging period: are consumers in Latin America changing their expectations when it comes to packaging?
Yes, 100% . Consumers are avid to find more portable and user-friendly packaging, because they now have to carry every day many products such as alcohol, gel, liquid soaps, etc., to maintain hands duly clean. Also Covid times makes us more accurate to find better prices, which means that the industry has to think and develop new packaging products more competitive and with portable sizes.
Are consumers in Perù using e-commerce or do they still prefer brick-and-mortar retail?
Current surveys say that the consumer is day by day trying to be oriented to the e-commerce, but until now the brick-and-mortar retail maintains the big part of the cake in Perù.
In your view how is technology engaging consumers in Latam and what are the preferred tools?
Today with the tremendous shock we have all received due to COVID, we have been exposed to knowing our weaknesses at the level of technology and digital communication that we had, and Latin America and its companies are not far from this problem. Those who had already started a digital path have adapted more easily and those who have not put all their efforts into it, may lose their business. This situation has forced everyone to rethink their digital strategies and put them as the first priority.
We used to traveling, visiting, having meetings, talking and showing our products, exchanging ideas and socializing with our customers and suppliers, and suddenly this physical reality is cancelled, which forces us to reinvent ourselves. Today we have multiple platforms ZOOM, MICROSOFT TEAMS, GOOGLE VIDEO for video conferences that make it easier for us to see ourselves, however for me the VIRTUAL will never be able to replace the PHYSICAL, but it is what we have now to live and it forces us to adapt, otherwise WE DIE. With the digital tools we can maintain the water warm, but the face to face (in-person) is so important if you have to close a real big business deal.
The risk under the current conditions is to lose contact with the real market?
It is true. We are in a tunnel, we do not know until when, and we have to support each other strongly with all these technological tools, waiting for the moment to get back together and have a coffee. However, we have been prepared to get where we want in a faster way and this helps achieve the results we want; and the presence of partners based locally can be extremely supportive to grow relationships also during the pandemic.
What are the magic ingredients that your market appreciates in Giflor?
For sure the attention to the relationship with the client, the prompt service to the market and the fact that this brand offers many opportunities for growth.
Thanks Josè Carlos from Giflor team!
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